Hacker News Monitoring: Stay Updated on Tech News

Last updated: August 17th, 2024

4 min read

Hacker News Monitoring: Stay Updated on Tech News

Staying informed on the latest developments in technology is essential for anyone involved in the tech industry. Hacker News is a treasure trove of information, offering everything from breaking news to in-depth discussions on emerging technologies. However, with the sheer volume of content posted daily, it can be challenging to keep up with the most relevant updates. This guide will show you how to set up Hacker News monitoring using Let Me Know When to ensure you never miss out on critical tech news. .

Why Monitor Hacker News?

  • Stay Ahead of Industry Trends

    • Hacker News is a go-to source for the latest developments in technology, startups, programming, and more. Monitoring it helps you stay ahead of industry trends and gain insights into where the tech world is headed.
  • Discover Cutting-Edge Technologies

    • Whether it’s a breakthrough in AI, a new programming language, or a revolutionary startup idea, Hacker News often features discussions on cutting-edge technologies. Monitoring these discussions can give you early access to valuable information.
  • Gain Insights from Experts

    • The Hacker News community is made up of industry professionals, developers, and thought leaders. Monitoring their discussions allows you to gain insights from experts in various fields.
  • Identify Opportunities

    • By staying updated on the latest trends and discussions, you can identify opportunities for innovation, investment, or collaboration that align with your interests or business goals.

Setting Up Hacker News Monitoring with Let Me Know When

  • Step 1: Log In to the app or Sign Up if you don't have an account

  • Step 2: Use one of our templates

alt Website Uptime Monitoring template title=

Website Uptime Monitoring template

  • Step 3: Configure Monitoring Settings

    • Choose the frequency of the checks (e.g., every hour, twice a day, etc).
  • Step 4: Activate Monitoring

    • Click on "Save Workflow" to begin.
    • Let Me Know When will start checking the website according to the configured settings. The first run will happen immediately after you save your workflow:
      alt Run started title=

      Run started

    • You can check the details of the run evaluate the screenshot and also see a comparison with the previous run.
      alt Run finished title=

      First run finished

Advantages of Using Let Me Know When for Hacker News Monitoring

  • Customizable Monitoring

    • Let Me Know When's AI allows you to monitor specific topics or keywords on Hacker News, ensuring you receive alerts only for the discussions that matter most to you.
  • Timely Notifications

    • Stay informed without constantly checking Hacker News. Let Me Know When sends you notifications when relevant posts are found, allowing you to stay updated without distraction.
  • Comprehensive Coverage

    • Whether it’s the latest tech breakthrough or a trending discussion, Let Me Know When ensures you’re always in the loop with comprehensive monitoring.

Evaluating Other Tech News Monitoring Solutions

Inoreader: A popular RSS reader that offers advanced filtering and monitoring capabilities for tech news, including Hacker News. Explore Inoreader.

Google Alerts: A free tool that allows you to set up alerts for specific topics, including tech news, but with less focus on community-driven discussions like those on Hacker News. Learn about Google Alerts.


Hacker News is an invaluable resource for staying informed on the latest in technology, but keeping up with it can be overwhelming. Let Me Know When offers a tailored solution that allows you to monitor Hacker News for the topics that matter most to you. With customizable alerts, AI-powered insights, and comprehensive coverage, Let Me Know When ensures you never miss out on critical tech news.

Start your free trial today with Let Me Know When and take control of your tech news monitoring.